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Parfinagled Spring Pudding

from "Bugs and Critters"

I like to eat my eggs with blue mashed potatoes
I like my collared greens with red rutabagas
Floating around inside a bowl of green gravy
It’s my recipe for spring pudding

I like to eat my eggs with blue mashed potatoes
I like my spinach leaves with yellow tomatoes
Floating around inside a bowl of whirling peas
It’s my parfinagled recipe

Add a dash of turnip leaves when served for two
Sprinkle in some parsnip and it’s English stew

I like to eat my eggs with blue mashed potatoes
I like my spinach leaves with yellow tomatoes
Floating around inside a bowl of lima beans
It’s my recipe for whipped whirled peas

Sprinkle in some turnip greens and serve for two
Add some escargo and make it Francious soc me blue

I like to eat my peas with red rutabagas
I like my pudding with a touch of tomatoes
Floating around inside a bowl of English tea
It’s my parfinagled recipe
It’s my parfinagled recipe for spring pudding

by Doug Newman
© 2000 Sandthistle Music / ASCAP
(c) 2007 Doug Newman